The mission of the Hampton Soccer Club is to provide a safe environment and positive experience to players, parents, coaches, referees, and spectators, and to allow recreational and competitive players to reach their highest potential through the teaching of individual skills, physical fitness, training, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play.
President - Christopher Andrews*
Vice-President - Erika Chapman^
Secretary - Patrick Flaherty*
Treasurer - Mark Browne^
Registrar 1 - Stephanie Moran*
Registrar 2 - Leigha DiCaprio^
At-Large 1 - Mike Bacasa*
At-Large 2 - Nicole Rudy^
At-Large 3 - Rich Easler*
At-Large 4 - Dan Sciulli^
At-Large 5 - Leslie Kozler*
Board of Directors elections are held annually at the May Annual Meeting.
Director's seats listed above with a " * " are elected in even years (2020, 2022, etc)
Director's seats indicated with a ' ^ ' are elected in odd years (2021, 2023, etc)
Board+ archives
Meeting Minutes
Financial Reports
2022 - 2023 AGE GROUP MANAGERS: One year, appointed terms starting in JUNE (updated 5/19/22)
(names below are TBD)
U6 - Erika Chapman
U8 Boys - Erika Chapman
U8 Girls - Nicole Rudy
U10 Boys - Dan Sciulli
U10 Girls - Leigha DiCaprio
U12 Boys - Scott Tryon
U12 Girls - Leigha DiCaprio
U14 Boys - David Corrigan
U14 Girls - Open
U15 - U19 - Leslie Kozler
Coaching Development -
Concessions - Jamie Overmen / Suzanna Hathaway
Equipment - Chris Andrews
Fields - Christopher Andrews
Fundraising - Nicole Rudy / Christopher Andrews
Player Development -
Referees - Rich Easler, Christopher Andrews, Nicole Mishko
Uniforms - Rebecca Maguire
President - Christopher Andrews*
Vice-President - Erika Chapman^
Secretary - Patrick Flaherty*
Treasurer - Mark Browne^
Registrar 1 - Stephanie Moran*
Registrar 2 - Leigha DiCaprio^
At-Large 1 - Mike Bacasa*
At-Large 2 - Nicole Rudy^
At-Large 3 - Rich Easler*
At-Large 4 - Dan Sciulli^
At-Large 5 - Leslie Kozler*
Board of Directors elections are held annually at the May Annual Meeting.
Director's seats listed above with a " * " are elected in even years (2020, 2022, etc)
Director's seats indicated with a ' ^ ' are elected in odd years (2021, 2023, etc)
Board+ archives
Meeting Minutes
Financial Reports
2022 - 2023 AGE GROUP MANAGERS: One year, appointed terms starting in JUNE (updated 5/19/22)
(names below are TBD)
U6 - Erika Chapman
U8 Boys - Erika Chapman
U8 Girls - Nicole Rudy
U10 Boys - Dan Sciulli
U10 Girls - Leigha DiCaprio
U12 Boys - Scott Tryon
U12 Girls - Leigha DiCaprio
U14 Boys - David Corrigan
U14 Girls - Open
U15 - U19 - Leslie Kozler
Coaching Development -
Concessions - Jamie Overmen / Suzanna Hathaway
Equipment - Chris Andrews
Fields - Christopher Andrews
Fundraising - Nicole Rudy / Christopher Andrews
Player Development -
Referees - Rich Easler, Christopher Andrews, Nicole Mishko
Uniforms - Rebecca Maguire